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  • Be respectful and civil toward your fellow players

    • No harassment or excessive trolling
    • No bigotry / hate speech including but not limited to ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and religion.
    • No disruptive arguments/discussions in global chat
    • No public accusations of rule-breaking or discussion of bans
    • No “ban baiting”
      • Ban baiting is enticing or aggravating someone into saying or doing something that will result in a ban – this may result in a ban for both parties.
    • Do not build too close to another player’s build
    • No posting personal information (i.e. doxxing)
    • No offensive/inappropriate constructions or skins
    • No impersonating other players, particularly staff
      • This includes both claiming to be another person or staff, as well as changing your screen name in a way that can be thought to be another user. In these instances your account may be banned until you can change the name again.
    • Client mods that give a distinct advantage to an individual are not allowed
    • No killing/stealing mobs "owned" by other players in or not in claimed areas
    • You may not trap or kill players except in designated arenas
      • This includes player traps or indirect forms or killing such as placing lava or using mobs
  • Be respectful to the server

    • No xraying/hacking/cheating or exploiting bugs to give yourself an unfair advantage
      • Any use of xray / ore detection will result in an immediate ban and rollback of all edits.
    • No griefing or block spamming
    • No inducing excessive lag
      • Do not allow huge numbers of entities to build up, e.g. by idling at a non-kill mob grinder or breeding an absurd number of animals.
      • All redstone must have an off switch (or the ability to automatically turn off when not in use)
      • No excessive chunk loaders, amount and use can be determined by staff
    • No spam
      • 'Spam' includes a high volume of lines and/or repeated characters entered into chat.
    • No Advertising non-RoninCraft servers
    • Build Removal:
      • Scaffolding, 1x1 towers, or other temporary builds should be removed when you are finished with them. These structures may be removed by staff without notice.
      • Certain "very low quality" structures including but not limited to cobble/netherrack boxes, and floating skyrails may be removed if they significantly impact the surrounding area in a negative way.
      • Unfinished builds that are deemed ‘abandoned’ and are negatively affecting other builds may be removed at admin discretion.
      • Unused claims may be removed at after 1 month of inactivity on creative, or at admin discretion
  • Bans

    Request all unbans at https://yellowstone.ronin-craft.com/banappeal.

    • A minimum of 2 weeks will be added to the original ban length for every account used to evade a ban.
    • Any accounts used to evade a ban will be banned for the same amount of time as the original banned account.
    • Staff reserves the right to add additional time depending on the circumstances.
    • Only appealed bans will be lifted.
    • At the time at which an appeal is allowed or afterward, a player may appeal for their other accounts to be unbanned, and if the "main" account is unbanned then the alts are as well.
    • At the discretion of staff, alternate accounts could remain banned if we believe that the person appealing isn't the actual owner.
    • Bans for the alt accounts will include the name of their "main" account.

This rules list cannot possibly hope to cover all instances of behavior that is detrimental to the servers or community, thus the admins reserve the right to warn, kick, or ban players deemed to be detrimental, as well as the right to form new rules when needed. Staff also reserve the right to reset player data as needed.

*Modified from the rules found on the Nerd.nu Gaming Community website as allowed by GNU Free Documentation License.